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标  题: [音乐盒] when you come home [打印本页]

作  者: zhepljy    时间: 2008-9-11 13:07     标  题: when you come home

《when you come home》by Billy Gilman


根据原作者Mark Schultz的真实故事改编。



Billy Gilman



my first day of recess
  they all laughed at me
  when i fell off the swing set
  and scraped up my knee
  the nurse called my momma
  to say i'd be late
  and when she gave me the phone
  i could hear momma say
  "i'm so sorry, son.
  oh i think you're' so brave"
  and she was smilin when she said
  when you come home
  no matter how far
  run through the door
  and into my arms
  it's where you are loved
  it's where you belong
  and i will be here
  i waved good-bye through the window
  as i boarded the plane
  my first job in houston
  was waiting for me
  i found a letter from momma
  tucked in my coat
  and as i flew down the runway
  i smiled when she wrote
  i'll miss you, son
  you'll be so far away
  and i'll be waiting for the day
  i don't think
  she can hear you now
  the doctor told me
  your momma is fading
  it's best that you leave
  so i whispered
  i love you
  and then turned away
  but i stopped at the door
  when i heard momma say
  i love you, son
  but they're calling me away
  and promise me before i go ...

[ 本帖最后由 zhepljy 于 2008-9-11 13:09 编辑 ]

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作  者: zhepljy    时间: 2008-9-11 13:12

Billy Gilman 档案

      billy gilman的出现打破了最年轻的获奖歌手记录.他12岁那年凭借销量百万的one voice登上了乡村音乐榜的亚军宝座,被人们认为最有前途的少年歌手。好声音是上帝给的,billy是个幸运的宠儿。然而,有一副好嗓子并不意味从此星途顺畅,帕瓦罗第不是也蹉跎了半生才登上巨星殿堂吗。billy只是个孩子,这个孩子最特别之处在于,他的声音尽管稚嫩且颇具大将风范,这是他与其他童星的最大区别。成人在他的歌声中既可以得到的向往已久的纯真,又可以避免过分低幼化的可笑儿语。

  1988年,billy出生于罗德岛,从小耳濡目染各种类型的乡村音乐,在巨星的歌声中billy一天天成长起来。乡村乐界的伯乐ray benson发现了小billy天才的歌唱技能,从此,在benson的帮助下,billy开始了他的音乐之路,那时侯他才11岁。

      billy刚刚习惯闪光灯下的生活,他认为他的生活刚刚开始,他正准备迎接更加灿烂的未来。然而生活是由不如意组成的,billy声音的变化使他不得不暂时也或许是永久的离开舞台。对于billy来说,这是个可怕的事实,然而他必须接受。 billy暂时终止了他的事业,按照医生的要求他不再开口唱歌,尽量少的说话,尽量好的保护他的声带。没有人知道,未来会怎么样,billy只能在心底默默祈祷。

  billy是幸运的。也许他失去了一些时间,失去了一些听众,一些奖赏,他美好的嗓音却得以幸存。billy 带着他的作品every thing and more回到了人们的视线中。billy自己认为,every thing and more是one voice的升级版本,是一个成熟的青年版one voice。

    2006年Billy终于带着更加成熟的声音以一张同名专辑《billy Gilman》重新回到聚光灯下,象征着他重拾了对自己的声音和才华的信心

one voice:


[ 本帖最后由 zhepljy 于 2008-9-11 13:15 编辑 ]

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