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[ Last edited by 品希 on 2006-8-22 at 22:29 ]

542 评论

Yiruma ,在韩国出生,英国长大/
曾就学於英国伦敦 'The Purcell School' 特别音乐学校, 後来毕业於 'King's College of London University' ,主修作曲 。
 在他的音乐作品里,展现了兼融东方的抒情与西方的典雅细致的音乐风格。因主修古典钢琴与作曲,Yiruma展现他傲人的古典才情与欧洲人善感的特质;同时,纯净与清新的东方特色也呈现在他的音色里。藉由细致的音乐性探触,他精致的演奏技巧,予人一种非凡艺术家的深刻印象。相信很多人都听过他那著名的KISS THE RAIN,这首真的是太。。。




品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-7 12:22



http://bbsimg.qianlong.com/uploa ... p31054724480437.mp3
海潮之声 宫崎骏


地下铁 预告曲

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-7 12:24

Originally posted by 品希 at 2006-4-7 12:24:

http://bbsimg.qianlong.com/uploa ... p31054724480437.mp3
海潮之声 宫崎骏



darknight Rank: 2Rank: 2 2006-4-7 18:14


darknight Rank: 2Rank: 2 2006-4-7 18:19


这么晚还在网上,其实我是在找pirates of the caribbean原配音乐,不知版主有否?在下在此拜求了。
我还想找一首wide dance的MTV,就那2004年欧洲流行乐NO1的乌克兰女歌手唱的。

[OLDUSER] 该用户已被删除 2006-4-9 04:52

pirates of the caribbean


品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-9 05:27

下次有問題請轉到留言版=  =

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-9 05:30

This Love ---- Craig armstrong


5. Teardrop -- MASSIVE ATTACK


1. wake up in new york ---- Craig armstrong


品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:22

Blackmore's Night

传奇式乐队Deep Purple和Rainbow的英国吉他手Ritchie Blackmore和他的妻子Candice Night组成的夫妻乐队 Blackmore’s Night,唤醒了多少人的耳朵。神仙眷侣虽然年岁相差达 26岁,但这并不影响他们对音乐的理解一致。Ritchie Blackmore从hard rock中抽身而和妻子共同步入美妙的 world music, Renaissance, new age, folk领域,源自于Ritchie Blackmore的文艺复兴(Renaissance)情结。

的确, 他们的音乐带着各种的文艺复兴风格, 古老的城堡, 美丽的白衣仙女, 草坪, 树林, 这些都是 欧洲文艺复兴特有的风格..

他们的音乐包含 New Age、World Music、Folk 等元素,
与中世纪文艺复兴色彩的音乐所影响,使用的乐器有吉他、键盘、小提琴、铃鼓、曼陀铃、手风琴以及一便士哨子等,如此丰富的音乐背景与音乐配器,再加上Blackmore的吉他功力与Night的优雅嗓音,共同构筑出如诗如梦的音乐诗篇。聆听的同时如同经历一次欧洲音乐巡回之旅。具有匈牙利民谣色彩的曲风,配上清脆的acoustic guitar与甜美的vocal,共筑出文艺复兴的艺术之美与欧洲丰富的人文气息。Blackmore将佛朗明哥式吉他表现地微妙为俏,使得热情洋溢的曲风更添几分色彩。在专辑中其它的歌曲中你还可以感受到英国、德国、波兰、意大利、法国、俄罗斯以及印度等多国民谣曲风。包罗万象的世界音乐、民谣与充满艺术性的文艺复兴曲风正是Blackmore’s Night献给所有乐迷的珍宝!

Under a violet moon
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... 20Violet%20Moon.mp3

Dancing to the feel of the drum
Leave this world behind
We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves
Under a violet moon

Tudor Rose with the hair in curls
Will make you turn and stare
Try to steal a kiss at the bridge
Under a violet moon

Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We're going back to a time we knew
Under a violet moon

Cheers to the Knights and days of olde
the beggars and the thieves
Living in an enchanted wood
Under a violet moon

Fortune teller what to you see
Future in a card
Share your secreds, tell them to me
Under a violet moon

Close your eyes and lose yourself
In a medieval mood
Taste the trasure and sing the tunes
Under a violet moon

Tis my delight on a shiny night
The season of the year
To keep the lanterns burning bright
Under a violet moon

Writing on the wall
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... On%20The%20Wall.mp3

Is it powers of intuition?
Is it insecurity?
You know I can read your mind and
You have been deceiving me...
Which face wears the masque this evening?
When will your true colors show?
Will they be as black as shadows
Hiding 'neath the rainbow...
Had my heart on a silver chain
With the words engraved
"I loved you"...
Like a swan that was lost at sea
I lost all of me
To you...
Now I see the writing on the wall...
Paranoia or perception?
Put your faith in a liar's hands
Wanting to believe his words
But never knowing where he stands...
There's too many misconceptions
In this game of consequence
When you're finding that your hero
Is just who you're up against…

Play Minstrel Play
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... Minstrel%20Play.mp3

Underneath the harvest moon
Where the ancient shadows will play and hide...
With a ghostly tune and the devil's pride...
"Stranger" whispered all the town
Has he come to save us from Satan's hand?
Leading them away to a foreign land...
Play for me, minstrel, play
And take away our sorrows...
Play for me, minstrel, play
And we'll follow...
Hear, listen, can you hear,
The haunting melody surrounding you,
Weaving a magic spell all around you...
Danger hidden in his eyes,
We should have seen it from far away,
Wearing such a thin disguise in the light of day...
He held the answer to our prayers,
Yet it was too good to be...
Proof before our very eyes, yet we could not see...

Ghost of a rose
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... 20Of%20A%20Rose.mp3

The valley green was so serene
In the middle ran a stream so blue...
A maiden fair, in despair, once had met her true love there and she told him...
She would say...
"Promise me , when you see, a white rose you'll think of me
I love you so,
Never let go,
I will be your ghost of a rose..."

Her eyes believed in mysteries
She would lay amongst the leaves of amber
Her spirit wild, heart of a child, yet gentle still and quiet and mild and he loved her...
When she would say...
"Promise me , when you see, a white rose you'll think of me
I love you so,
Never let go,
I will be your ghost of a rose..."

When all was done, she turned to run
Dancing to the setting sun as he watched her
And ever more he thought he saw
A glimpse of her upon the moors forever
He'd hear her say...
"Promise me , when you see, a white rose you'll think of me
I love you so,
Never let go,
I will be your ghost of a rose..."

Renaissance Fair
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... issance%20Faire.mp3

I was told once, by a friend of mine,
She had seen an olden sign,
She said she was not from this time,
And did I feel the same?

So I told her, "Yes", I knew her fear
As I felt the truth draw near,
Told her back three hundred years,
Was the time that I held dear...

Gather ye lords and ladies fair,
Come with me to the Renaissance Faire
Hurry now,
We're almost there...
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la...

Through the shroud of mystery,
Turn a page of history,
Feeling more than you can see,
Down at the Renaissance Faire.

Hear the minstrels play their tunes,
They will play the whole night through,
Special songs for me and for you,
And anyone whose heart is true....

There's too many stars for one sky to hold,
Some will fall, others are sold,
As the fields turn to gold
Down at the Renaissance Faire..

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:24

Within Temptation是一支非常出色的荷兰gothic金属乐队,你一听就知其实力不凡。他们吸取前辈The Gathering的悠扬气氛作风,进一步专注于乐曲的情感呈现,并以女主唱Sharon仙乐般缥缈动人的音色为主轴,辅以气势恢宏的管弦配乐以及圣颂般的层叠人声,非常具有感染力。唯有锋芒毕露的重金属吉他以及粗暴的鼓鸣在提醒听者这不是New Age,而是暴戾黑暗的哥特金属。

这一页放的曲子就是Within Temptation 的 Never Ending Story.

Our Fairwell
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... 20Our%20Farwell.mp3

In my hands
A legacy of memories
I can hear you say my name
I can almost see your smile
Feel the warmth of your embrace
But there is nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?

Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are

Never thought
This day would come so soon
We had no time to say goodbye
How can the world just carry on?
I feel so lost when you are not at my side
But there is nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?

Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are

So sorry your world is tumbling down
I will watch you through these nights
Rest your head and go to sleep
Because my child, this is not our farewell.
This is not our farewell.

Never Ending Story
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... -Ending%20Story.mp3

Armies have conquered
And fallen in the end
Kingdoms have risen
Then buried by sand
The Earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
She puts us to sleep
In her light we'll awake
We'll all be forgotten
There's no endless fame
But everything we do
It's never in vain

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one's to stay
Where ever it's going
What is the way?

Forests and deserts
Rivers, blue seas
Mountains and valleys
Nothing here stays
While we think we witness
We're part of the scene
This never-ending story
Where will it lead to?
The earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
But she's also a part
A part of the tale

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one is to stay
Where ever is it going
What is the way?
We're part of a story, part of a tale
Sometimes beautiful and sometimes insane
No one remembers how it began.

http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... 06_forsaken-dfe.mp3

Now the day has come.
We are forsaken this time.

We lived our lives in our paradise,
As gods we shaped the world around.
No borderlines we'd stay behind,
Though balance is something fragile.

While we thought we were gaining,
We'd turn back the tide, it still slips away.
Our time has run out, our future has died,
There's no more escape.

Now the day has come,
We are forsaken,
There's no time anymore.
Life will pass us by,
We are forsaken,
We're the last of our kind.

The sacrifice was much too high,
Our greed just made us all go blind.
We tried to hide what we feared inside.
Today is the end of tomorrow.

As the sea started rising,
The land that we conquered just washed away.
Although we all have tried to turn back the tide,
It was all in vain.

Now the day has come,
We are forsaken,
There's no time anymore.
Life will pass us by,we are forsaken,
Only ruins stay behind.

Now the day has come.
We are forsaken this time.

Now the day has come,
We are forsaken,
There's no time anymore.

Now the day has come.
The day has come.
The day has come.

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:25


Xandria成立于2000年,主唱Lisa Schaphaus、吉他手/键盘手Marco Heubaum、吉他手Philip Restemeier、鼓手Gerit Lamm – Schlagzeug,2003年4月发表自行制作的首张专辑《Kill The Sun》,受到关注,之后加盟德国金属名厂Drakkar,于2004年5月发表以探讨情欲为主的第二张专辑《Ravenheart》。

乐队的创立者,marco认为,"teearing down of the hard farade"正恰如其分的表达了他从八十年代末期的死亡金属向如今更加复杂的黑色金属的进步,后者为如今乐队制作的核心。因此,除了在舞台表演要求下进行激情的表演,这支五人乐队从不热衷将体力浪费在其他任何形式的音乐活动中。处于最核心地位的是旋律,而有时歌声会比金属音效更使人成沉溺正是这一理论的明证。一旦你承认了流行与商业化间并没有紧密不可分的必要,你将发现跨越这广阔领域的赢家只能有一个:一首好歌。他也许会不自觉的将Xandria与Lacuna Coil,Nightwish,After forever和Within Temptation相提并论,但这种比较对于完全不同的音乐质地来说,是不公平的。

Xandria懂得如何同后现代主义带来得影响和平相处。精确的讲,乐队定义的尺度成为与因为他们复杂音乐产生的特定氛围与感情意义相同。引用成为音乐家们正当的媒体,拒绝在同时期歌特形式的文体目录中停步不前,而是有意识的使自己适应音乐的范围。Aandria没有丝毫压抑的轻松引用,同时又参考于其他艺术家对他们自己音乐的创作过程,在抽象的器乐的鉴赏方面加以利用,正如他们已经做过的一样。在这种最初等级上推定“Kill the sun”的价值恐怕很不准确,毕竟乐队正处于他们音乐前进史的开端,无论如何,还有一件事仍然可以肯定,这张专辑是同期最令人愉快的一张处女碟之一!因为他抓住了现代歌特金属的本质精髓:优雅,富有感情,令人感动。

Kill The sun
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... ill%20The%20Sun.mp3

i am down at the water
my bare feet are numb
and for aeons now nothing seems real

now it's hard to hold sight
through your soft eiderdown
but i still got my hands on the wheel

you have set my mind
between worlds spinning round
i'm a stranger in my universe

but i see my sun
and i know that it will
be forever shining on earth

you can rain down on me
but you can't darken the sun
you can cast a spell on the moon
but you can't kill the sun

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:26

Led Zepplin:

Led Zeppelin乐队的前身为“庭院鸟乐队”,1968年10月正式更名为“Led Zeppelin”,成员:主唱:Robert Plant,吉他手:Jimmy Page,贝斯手:John Paul Jones,鼓手:John Bonham,乐队于1969年发行的专辑《LED ZEPPELIN II》被誉为重金属摇滚乐的奠基之作,这张精练了众多摇滚风格,创作狂噪扎人的唱片,定义了重金属是如此一种风格,LED ZEPPELIN在欧美特别是英国人的眼里具有崇高的地位,LZ最伟大的地方是将民族世界音乐融入了布鲁斯和弦,这也是为何Jimmy Page是最伟大的吉他手的原因,他能用一把吉他,以布鲁斯为根基表现出多种音乐风格,但你一听就会辨认出那Jimmy Page,撇开他出神入化的LIVE即兴表演不谈,他的音乐理念直到今天还是前卫的,尽管乐队在多年之后,曾经尝试加入过一些民间音乐,不管他们承认与否,它仍是世界公认的重金属先躯及代言人。
Led Zepplin在其鼎盛期失去了它的鼓手John Bonham,乐队宁愿解散也不再寻找新的鼓手,过了10多年,乐队的核心Jimmy Page和Robert Plant还专门聚在一起出了一张名为《No Quarter》的专辑,意思是“四个角的桌子已经永远缺了一角”,以此回答那些痴心等待他们复合的歌迷们。90年代,摇滚史上最伟大的华丽摇滚乐队失去了它最华丽的一角,但是留下了世界上最光明、最美好的音乐――来自天堂的音乐!

Stairway to Heaven (超级经典, 每个英国人都听过的)
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... y%20to%20Heaven.mp3

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forest will echo with laughter

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on
And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:26


这首歌很久以前推荐过, 再推荐一次啦!


Fable of Dreams
http://www.filelodge.com/files/r ... e_of_dreams-vic.mp3

Sometimes in heaven a fable is born
Nobody knows where it comes from
It gives us strength and it tells us of love
And everyone of us is touched in their hearts
It may enrich us or pull us down so far
But life is not always black and white

Let me believe it, let my eyes see
Each day a new page is written, I know
Therefore this fable, it will never end
Because it's the fable of dreams

Hope for the hopeless and light for the blind
If we let this message reach our minds
It may enrich us or pull us down so far
And live can be more than black and white

Let me believe it, let my eyes see
Each day a new page is written, I know
Therefore this fable, it will never end
Because it's the fable of dreams

Hold on to belief, hear the call of the fable
The fable of dreams

Let me believe it, let my eyes see
Each day a new page is written, I know
Therefore this fable, it will never end
Because it's the fable of dreams  


品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:27

1.Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins:

2.the subways
http://download.wbr.com/thesubwa ... Sun(TVOTRCover).mp3
3.Deerhoof - Wrong Time Capsule
http://www.killrockstars.com/ban ... rongTimeCapsule.mp3

4.The Decemberists - The Engine Driver

5.Wolf Parade - Shine a Light

6.Tipper - Learning is Remembering feat. Epcot
http://images.rockhaus.multiply. ... KFSBUrzyXowe2vTWBQi,Hbhw4A==/06%20-%20Learning%20Is%20Remembering%20feat.%20Epcot.mp3

7.Vitalic - My Friend Dario
http://images.rockhaus.multiply. ... kX180XLm2mdQwKJGpoh,IGEB3M5Bwv38,YlB,QV,2OBGjsQ==/03%20My%20Friend%20Dario.mp3
8.The Go-Betweens - Here Comes a City
http://www.bbisland.de/downloads ... re_Comes_A_City.mp3

9.Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
http://downloads.betterpropagand ... _Everything_128.mp3

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:32

Britney Spears -Breath On Me

Ebba Forsberg - Hold Me

品希 Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4 2006-4-10 02:33

