心情论坛 » 『爱的告白』 » 爱情必备名言

2006-11-25 19:27 紫陌枫觞

'LFA m$NA2cB..
:|-Z&\&g-wgv`h5y.. When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.
I.qL0U1H.. t4_ Q%ePwC0U E6x..
2.幸福是良好的健康加上糟糕的记性。 s;S,L+^ v8b(cz..
p~ ~\2p }V..
Happiness is good health and a bad memory. 6C$A"].m#P#~u..
3.唯有爱可以把黑暗囚在波港湾里。 ;R'[f7?*Q"gXv Jd..
D8vO(HH EN..
Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay. 5[ NJgF&V..
Yh } E,t\;r?:v*N..
Y+XxM8gM.. ^9^ w bNqEN..
Love is a game that two can play and both win. ,u.k c2Gx)S5k#s6G!]..

b0WC4y+OruD.. 5.爱不是从相互凝视之中获得的,倒是可以由同朝一个方向眺望而产生。这是生活给予我们的教训。 uSp4LtgGB]..
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction . 3HGX_ c'{#Z4s..

xN6F D8c.. 6.一位父亲能为他的孩子做的最要紧的事是爱他们的母亲。 :{ UwyhgG/z,D..

`s+nAJ9fE.. The most important thing a father can do for his &}tH/S0{&\*t&Y7Qs{..
:Vc1YP#@ d#v..
children is love their mother. 5a|)e.|3q(E3n..
R&HD R\6NkI..
pKXP)|.b2^7rF.. Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which become a habit. UB!Q.{6[9CSK..
v t(m)I,A7oE..
A0~?;a]ON;b!K.. To be in love is to surpass oneself. c.~P,CS:j#U:q6j7V..
9.男人的爱情门户在眼睛,女人则是在耳朵。 2S&I9G.P4Y~f/xP..

xc5}{u4V&A.. Love enters a man through his eyes; a woman through her ears.
9FTkUQ5q"@.. 9B)GYhj%z..
10. (对女人来说) 有三类男人:智慧的情人,尊荣的情人,***的情人。 1jyN1Dc..

8PQiQ l!c8ih%O.. There are three classes of men: lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, lovers of gain. 2T~&B ea;H..
+{%E4[ jG{(X5a@5`..
1Cl3O DXgSr&p5qa..
AK6rw:X.. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.
Jk5Aq+v@PeB.. 12.没有丑女人,只有不懂得如何使自己显出美丽的女人。 P3B!v2Q6R+OB C$g..
4b&x Ai*ni3S..
There are no ugly women; there are only women who not know how to look pretty.
?1N6|g W1H^ ~_ {.. 13.想要别人爱你的话,就要去爱别人,做一个可爱的人。
+E7k'_i_.. 8pZPCp]/}..
If you would be loved, love and be lovable. 0~-o2h6\+G"l%|..
|5h`,CPfq~;O:].. OCD|SS..
If you be loved, be worthy of love. H$`)\}M*N..
9G.b aLO#hl#m..
Z(WD"^v-X+j1W.. Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love.
\sZDy]!u8?-_.. 16.不成熟的爱说:“我爱你,因为我需要你。”成熟的爱说:“我需要你,因为我爱你。” 5v\G7|S d!\]..

8x5N@!PI;\,^e3I,[.. Immature love says:“I love you because I need you。”Mature love says:“I need you because I love you"
uM R#k$~'K|.. 17.爱不在深厚,乃在久长。
(I+By ifXr..
R0\w5]r1ZN'L?V j.. Love me little, love me long.
tdz!Rbc+x5z8g.. 18.没有信任就没有爱。
?} K0O.R,K7D$}4e!I#d..
$Q{lj](F.G!p4gMZF&@.. Where there is no trust, there is no love. HmluBv..

VnLl c5O/_$eeR.. 19.总结过去,放眼未来,把握现在。
~%~T'Z~6ie.. "|It7DC`8I..
Learn from the past, look to the future.Live in the resent.
7jy"hCn.\q5@ j.. 20.快乐起来吧!快乐才是明智的。 k)PX$j)uAx:n$b..
%y XO2@^+gKa5{u#F..
Be happy. It is a way of being wise. KqoNt^R$c..

0@t(u0IAe.. 21.喜剧是悲剧加上时间。 !FV n-o%j'q2f1R..

0z.Co2[%rQi.. Comedy is tragedy plus time. /um$^$Xl ^0~w#Y..
cpCOG8A*@.. z2uSYg/i&QxQy..
Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings
(Z2{I/h6y.. !sn-O.ex%j.@.H3O&q..
23.不要轻视那无论何时总显得快乐无忧的人,有些事情是你所不懂的,而他懂。 zQZ!u(Gs@..

1M3M&m)o8F9J$h.. Do not scorn the person who is perpetually happy. He does know something you don’t。
Xk^NyZnfC.. V_1u3z f QV..
24.我是一个理想主义者,我不知道将往何处,但我正在赶路。 ;AMj d9b5wz*f_%Gt..

|6AV6\hvrP~.. I’m an idealist。I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way。 _+Z_E U?_..

v xsE-b_H$i#xrq(c1J.. 25.我只晓得一个责任,那就是施爱。 U(S(MZT-Tl..
I know of only one duty, and that is to love. (m^^;bQtW~6@..
0{s6bHDY N..
26.对于人类生存问题,唯一令人满意的答案是:爱。 &@;M5| ol2CPb..

!S\b"`J"~#p8F l|.. Love is the only satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
.gNztZ ^z zNb.. 27.真理一从人的嘴里说出来就走了样。 k1^gZ;|B V,A PX..
(ie aY6BMR..
Truth is fiction when spilled from the lips of a man. 2b;C7vPD..
![lI |B Y,Hq'@..
28.一个对爱保持清醒的人无法去爱。 9c _2L8QrIx+MU(rC4k..
People who are sensible about love are incapable of it. YWrXa m&~P1^..

zv`)i;or8lz%@6kS6V.. 29.争吵总比寂寞好。 )w*_da)n..
'y/t C2HV l4NU"z5c,j..
Contention is better than loneliness. "U? ~8ZTV `1C..

1k MYQN W+J.. 30.当面刺痛你的是你的好朋友。 !Y5E&{te..
Good friends stab you in the front. :] L!c5v E*@..
mT M)BYt7b..
4uYDne ^.. V*T2QhYQ+e..
If there is anything better than being loved, it’s loving. !`p{ UIqo tKa..

i&?gr0?*kw |1s.. 32.结婚是两个人的结合:其中一个总是忘了生曰而另一个从来不会忘记。
8?2Li {kJBz..
8Y"ueQ%C.. Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets.
rE6TA ]e_mJ..
BoR\| S&d(g.. 33.爱情就象一个砂漏,当脑子倒空的时候心就被填满了。 9Y`VgN+VP..
/HG~ XW YF }+g..
Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
gn(n|!DY B,AK.. 5?2?b0}&G t-m..
)U U,wg&z.. #I"w}2T+Nb\M..
Absence extinguishes small passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a candle,and fans a
0NH$T;\%C#\5}raR.. -E E5~4vl"xy+_..
bonfire. j0~S{e&oU!K#t..

^ W!J%h-KH mL&Z?.. 35.我给你的忠告是:结婚吧!如果你找到一个好妻子,你是幸福的;如果妻子不贤,你则会成为哲学家。
}@ dHU(e..
w5kKrq0K)Y.. My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher. 1x%^L~z&~ l..

@J.j&L"D.m%x.. 36.但愿坏习惯象心一样易碎。
4i7|E9FX"b w%W.. @Mm)K9a,y..
If only bad habits could be broken as easily as hearts!
A ^oCY"ec.. 8r8T5b ?*T~;}..
i]$g9m3q6u zdIE..
.sF]S9b,q+G/d^,Z;GM.. When love turns into dust, money becomes the substitution.
4[B:v$^ ~N4g9Dg.h%~.. 38.爱使人健全;奉献或接受皆然。 vqz J+DQ..
{vN-F{2_ {q L..
Love cures people; both the ones who give it, and the ones who receive it. \_4?s'^@..

oO P4C FJ `.. 39.浪漫植根于幻觉之上,而当我们爱上某个人时,我们也爱上他为我们营造的幻觉。 pq2gPJ)`..
EqN'C Ic;C..
Romance is built on illusion, and when we love someone, we love the illusion they have created for us. 1|'b3J8K!Vn N\'Z..

-P d)Tx6k qO.. 40.恋爱与咳嗽无法掩藏。 QH%{4}?U7eI..

:g5EiO[A.. Love and a cough cannot be hidden.
\6a(n0s}GA.. ^B8W H}8r r..
[9T6ZdS8[y.. m/ZEaPkT;qg..
Love is wealth.
au+u{/qw.. j'SO9yJ..
42.爱情和理智不能并存。 )w:]j"q*j tc..

6l(G Y3@}N.. It is impossible to love and be wise.
5m%b Ar(Kg.. ,}#Z8JR#Q `:i@!|..
1Q~*C%T/@/gW9~I#_n.@.. %|G:}(`G)P b7Q[l..
Men like to pursue an elusive woman like a cake of wet soap——even men who hate baths. 3]"M+S3aDKB9y..

ZYe L t6x\.. 44.世上没有女人的话,男人可以活得象神仙。 Fs_ B;j6Y..

&J$TKN NH)t[D.. Were there no women, men might live like gods. 0Se5]:{3w(aBf..

:k)j f'Z`.. 45.寻求男女平等的女性缺乏雄心壮志。 :XMoS1M0}..

|!t0QZ#mi.. Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. ]Qgt5G(K6Z9xI^..

G&xP @u-i.. 46.女性泪眼蒙眬之时,视线受阻的是男性。
+fd#S;L_&H x5] Ju.. When a female has tears in her eyes the one who cannot see is the male
~Jb E`9I3B].. O!D a!xE6}*^..
47.想象力比知识更重要。 :j A#u/gX/Y/ArZ..
qQnf[ ~8A..
Imagination is more important than knowledge. +b Gj&b&b(Hf6h..
48.当你出生时,你啼哭而世界欣喜。善度你的一生,使得你离世的时候,世界哭泣而你欣喜。 v5D1l!gt1O9fL%D_J..

Y(JGlmz.. When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. J2U&]t%QY..
,W&Bt)sX'Q U!U..
\:{)g e B5OcCA,Y9b..
ak)HTw#qK4~.. I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

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